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Showing posts with label gmail. Show all posts

SyntaxDB — A Perfect Programming Syntax “Search Engine” For Coders | Padsa Information

SyntaxDB calls itself a programming syntax database that wishes to eliminate the need to use Google to search syntax during coding. It allows you to search your syntax queries and shows you helpful results along with further documentation. Currently, SyntaxDB supports nine popular programming languages.
Very often programmers new to the field ask if is it okay to use Google and Stack Overflow to look up some syntax. The answer is yes — searching the web is a routine task of a good developer and its frequency even increases with time. Using Google doesn’t make you a bad programmer. Instead, it makes you even better at it and teaches you new things.
To make things even easier for programmers, Anthony Nguyen, a software developer studying at Queen’s University, has created SyntaxDB.
This website calls itself the programming syntax database and allows you to search your required query. Nguyen calls it helpful for those who often visit Google to look for their programming related queries.
The website’s home page is very simple and plain. You just need to enter a language or a concept, and it starts showing relevant suggestions. As soon as you hit enter, a search result page is shown to address your query.
Once you click on a concept, you are shown a small definition and syntax along with some related notes and examples. In the right sidebar, there are links to the official documentations for more help.
Currently, SyntaxDB supports 9 languages — Java, C, C++, C#, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, Swift, and Go.
SyntaxDB also offers integrations with DuckDuckGo, Slack, and Visual Studio Code to make coding easier. There’s also an API available that lets you write your own integration.
In future, the website plans to provide more plugins for code editors and increase the size of the database and the number of programming languages.
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Linux Basic Commands

The below commands are important and often used. For more checkout the image at the bottom of the article
  • mkdir – make directories
    Usage: mkdir [OPTION] DIRECTORY…
    eg. mkdir lhn
  • ls – list directory contents
    Usage: ls [OPTION]… [FILE]…
    eg. ls, ls ­l, ls lhn
  • cd – changes directories
    Usage: cd [DIRECTORY]
    eg. cd lhn
  • pwd ­-  print name of current working directory
    Usage: pwd
  • vim – Vi Improved, a programmers text editor
    Usage: vim [OPTION] [file]…
    eg. vim lhn.txt
  • cp – copy files and directories
    Usage: cp [OPTION]… SOURCE DEST
    eg. cp sample.txt sample_copy.txt
    cp sample_copy.txt target_dir
  • mv – move (rename) files
    Usage: mv [OPTION]… SOURCE DEST
    eg. mv source.txt target_dir
    mv old.txt new.txt
  • rm ­ remove files or directories
    Usage: rm [OPTION]… FILE…
    eg. rm file1.txt , rm ­rf some_dir
  • find – search for files in a directory hierarchy
    Usage: find [OPTION] [path] [pattern]
    eg. find file1.txt, find ­name file1.txt
  • history – prints recently used commands
    Usage: history
  • cat – concatenate files and print on the standard output
    Usage: cat [OPTION] [FILE]…
    eg. cat file1.txt file2.txt
    cat ­n file1.txt
  • echo – display a line of text
    Usage: echo [OPTION] [string] …
    eg. echo I love India
    echo $HOME
  • grep ­- print lines matching a pattern
    Usage: grep [OPTION] PATTERN [FILE]…
    eg. grep ­i apple sample.txt
  •  wc ­- print the number of newlines, words, and bytes in files
    Usage: wc [OPTION]… [FILE]…
    eg.  wc file1.txt
    wc ­L file1.txt
  • sort – sort lines of text files
    Usage: sort [OPTION]… [FILE]…
    eg. sort file1.txt
    sort ­r file1.txt
  • tar – to archive a file
    Usage: tar [OPTION] DEST SOURCE
    eg. tar ­cvf /home/archive.tar /home/original
    tar ­xvf /home/archive.tar
  • kill – to kill a process(using signal mechanism)
    Usage: kill [OPTION] pid
    eg. kill ­9 2275
  • ps – report a snapshot of the current processes
    Usage: ps [OPTION]
    eg. ps,  ps ­el
  • who – show who is logged on
    Usage: who [OPTION]
    eg. who , who ­b , who ­q
  • passwd – update  a user’s authentication tokens(s)
    Usage: passwd [OPTION]
    eg. passwd
  •  su –  change user ID or become super­user
    Usage: su [OPTION] [LOGIN]
    eg. su remo, su
  • chown – change file owner and group
    Usage: chown [OPTION]… OWNER[:[GROUP]] FILE…
    eg. chown remo myfile.txt
  • chmod – change file access permissions
    Usage: chmod [OPTION] [MODE] [FILE]
    eg. chmod 744
  • zip – package and compress (archive) files
    Usage: zip [OPTION] DEST SOURSE
    eg. zip original
  • unzip – list, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
    Usage: unzip filename
    eg. unzip original.zi
  • ssh – SSH client (remote login program)
    “ssh is a program for logging into a remote machine and for
    executing commands on a remote machine”
    Usage: ssh [options] [user]@hostname
    eg. ssh ­X guest@
  • scp – secure copy (remote file copy program)
    “scp copies files between hosts on a network”
    Usage: scp [options] [[user]@host1:file1] [[user]@host2:file2]
    eg. scp file1.txt guest@
  • fdisk – partition manipulator
    eg. sudo fdisk ­l
  • mount – mount a file system
    Usage: mount ­t type device dir
    eg. mount /dev/sda5 /media/target
  • umount – unmount file systems
    Usage: umount [OPTIONS] dir | device…
    eg.  umount /media/target
  • du – estimate file space usage
    Usage:  du [OPTION]… [FILE]…
    eg. du
  • df – report filesystem disk space usage
    Usage: df [OPTION]… [FILE]…
    eg. df
  • quota – display disk usage and limits
    Usage: quota [OPTION]
    eg. quota ­v
  • reboot – reboot the system
    Usage: reboot [OPTION]
    eg. reboot
  • poweroff – power off the system
    Usage: poweroff [OPTION]
    eg. poweroff
  • kate – KDE Advanced Text Editor
    Usage:  kate [options][file(s)]
    eg. kate file1.txt file2.txt
  • vim – Vi Improved, a programmers text editor
    Usage: vim [OPTION] [file]…
    eg. vi hello.c
  • gedit ­ A text Editor. Used to create and edit files.
    Usage: gedit [OPTION] [FILE]…
    eg. gedit
  • bg – make a foreground process to run in background
    Usage: type ‘ctrl+z’  and then ‘bg ‘
  • fg – to make background process as foreground process
    Usage: fg [jobid]
  • jobs – displays the names and ids of background jobs
    Usage: jobs
  • sed ­  stream editor for filtering and transforming text
    Usage: sed [OPTION] [input­file]…
    eg. sed ‘s/love/hate/g’ loveletter.txt
  • awk ­ pattern scanning and processing language
    eg.  awk ­F: ‘{ print $1 }’ sample_awk.txt
  • find ­ search for files in a directory hierarchy
    Usage: find [OPTION] [path] [pattern]
    eg. find ­name file1.txt
  • locate – find or locate a file
    Usage: locate [OPTION]… FILE…
    eg. locate file1.txt
Linux File Permissions
  • 3 types of file permissions – read, write, execute
  • 10 bit format from ‘ls ­l’ command
    1             2 3 4      5 6 7     8 9 10
    file type    owner     group    others
    eg. drwxrw­r­­   means owner has all three permissions,
    group has read and write, others have only read
  • read permission – 4, write – 2, execute ­1
    eg. rwxrw­r­­   = 764
    673    =   rw­rwx­wx

How To Pick Your First Programming Language (4 Different Ways)

Learning coding from scratch could be a tough task and it could take years of hard work to master a language. So here I am going to address the biggest problem a beginner faces: How to pick up my first programming language?
Recently I came across with a very enriching infographic that addressed the same question. Udacity has utilized the date of the top ten programming languages in the US (provided by IEEE Spectrum) to pick the best programming language for you as a beginner.
The basis on which this infographic is made varies from location, your lifestyle and the potential growth in career after selecting that particular language.
Based on the flexibility, Python or C++ comes first as it allows you work on the variety of fields such as gaming to making of embedded systems. JS or PHP prepares you for a web development career. Similar observations and trends are made based on the average pay per year, geography and popularity.
Take a look at the infographic below:

Did you find this infographic helpful? Share this article with your friends.

Here is How to run Kali Linux on your Android device | Padsa Information

This tutorial mainly created for Linux fans. Follow the given steps below to install Kali Linux on your Android phone.
Step 1: Install Linux Depoly on your Android Mobile.
Step 2: Now launch “Linux Depoly” and click download icon
Step 3: In Depol tab click and change the Distribution to Kali Linux
Step 4: Now Change the VNC settings according to your mobile screen.
Step 5: Once done click Install(Start GNU/Linux installation).
Note: This might take few minutes to be completed.
Tips: Recommended to do it on a Wi-Fi.
Step 6:  After installing Kali Linux now click Reconfiguration button. After that hit Start.
Step 7: Now download and install Android-Vnc-Viewer and enter the details. Once every goes smooth then you can start using Kali Linux.
Don't forget to comment below .

What is the most popular programming language in the enterprise

Programmers have high demands these days because of the Growing Startups if one is interested in the best carrier and want to make the best of his life they need to know the popular programming language in the enterprise.
The stats were imported from the ZDNET, on the search keyword of the popular programming language, they have prepared a pretty good list that uses the data from the PYPL(popularity of the Programming language), primary , which looks at the popular programming languages on the Google and uses a search engine to aggregate the results.
Programming languages differ from natural languages in that natural languages are only used for interaction between people, while programming languages also allow humans to communicate instructions to machines.
They said that the list is the ultimate choice

1. Java
2. C
3. Python
4. C++
5. JavaScript
6. C#
7. PHP
8 Swift
9. Objective-C
10. R

The list is taken from the Following chart
The description of a programming language is usually split into the two components of syntax (form) and semantics (meaning). Some languages are defined by a specification document (for example, the C programming language is specified by an ISO Standard), while other languages (such as Perl) have a dominant implementation that is treated as a reference. Some languages have both, with the basic language defined by a standard and extensions taken from the dominant implementation being common.
The Programming Languages apparently grouped these primary, popular secondary and third-tier programming languages such as java, JavaScript ,C, Python and C++ are by far popular programming languages.
Then there is a second group which comprises of the mainly web programming JavaScript,C#, PHP and Swift while swift is the Main Programming language.
Then there is a third group of programming languages Objective-C and R, For Coders who are beginners with the staff of either C++ or java Programming languages which they move into Java ScriptLater Depending on the work you want to do with PHP, Swift , Python.

10 Best Programming Languages That You Need To Learn In 2017

The year 2017 has arrived. So, this year, are you ready to learn a new programming language and boost your skill set? If your answer is yes, you’re at the right place. GitHub’s recent data gives us a pretty good idea about the best popular programming languages that you need to learn in 2017. Our top recommendations are Java, JavaScript, Swift, and Python.
These days, skilled programmers are in great demand. Over the past decade, coding jobs have become mainstream, creating millions of employment opportunities every year.
If you’re new to the programming world, there are many ways to choose your first programming language. You can analyze the needs — app development, web application, web design — and choose the programming language. If you’re looking for a useful and easy language to get started, Python can help you out.
Those who are already having the knowledge of programming, are taking the polyglot approach. The programmers are learning programming languages and improving their skill sets. By leveraging multiple languages, they are able to solve a problem statement easily.
For learning a new language, very often it’s suggested that one must take a look at the latest trends. This gives a pretty strong idea about future and how much a language can grow in usage and importance. This automatically tells us the employment opportunities.
Here, in this article, I’m going to use GitHub’s data to tell you the most popular programming languages that one needs to learn in 2017. The data is also accompanied by the percentage growth witnessed by these languages in 2016.

10 Best Popular Programming Languages

1. JavaScript:

JavaScript, also known as the language of the web, is at the top as it’s basically everywhere. This is a high-level, dynamic, and interpreted programming language that’s supported by all modern web browsers. It allows the developers to build web applications and add interactive elements to the websites.
— Growth of JS in 2016: 97%
— Learn JavaScript

2. Java:

Java, a general purpose and object-oriented programming language, is used for creating server-side applications, video games, and mobile applications. As it’s the core element of any native Android application, Java keeps enjoying an enormous popularity among the developers.
— Growth of Java in 2016: 63%
— Learn Java

3. Python:

Python is a widely popular and general purpose programming language. Just think about the job and a Python framework is there for you. Due to its simple syntax, it’s also recommended as the first programming language. Without a doubt, Python is one of the best popular programming languages you can run in 2017.
— Growth of Python in 2016: 54%
 Learn Python

4. Ruby:

Ruby, a general purpose and object oriented programming language, supports multiple programming paradigms and is used to create web apps. Apart from being easy to use, Ruby is known for its power. Ruby on Rails (Rails is a framework) is in high demand these days.
— Growth of Ruby in 2016: 66%
 Learn Ruby

5. PHP:

PHP is a server-side scripting language that primarily focused on web development. It forms the base of two internet giants, WordPress and Facebook. If you wish to become a web developer, PHP is an important language that you need to learn.
— Growth of PHP in 2016: 43%
—  Learn PHP

6. C++:

Based on C, C++ is a general purpose programming language that has influenced many other modern programming languages. Tons of daily applications, software, drivers, firmware, etc., used by us are written in C++. It’s considered to be an intermediate level language that has the qualities of both high-level and low-level programming language.
–Growth of C++ in 2016: 43%
—  Learn C++

7. C#:

Designed by Microsoft, C# (pronounced C-sharp) is a general-purpose, modern, object-oriented programming language. This relatively newer language breathes life into a wide range of Microsoft applications that are powered by .NET Framework. The programming in C# is very much based on C and C++. So, if you have a basic idea of C and C++, learning C# won’t be much tough.
–Growth of C# in 2016: 88%
—  Learn C#

8. Go:

Go is an open source programming language that’s aimed at making simple, efficient, and reliable software. It was created by three Google employees in 2007. In the recent times, it has emerged as one of the most popular programming languages, and it’s used by some of the Google’s won production systems. Many Go projects are also used for web servers, APIs, minimal web application frameworks, etc.
–Growth of Go in 2016: 93%
—  Learn Go

9. Scala:

Scala, a general purpose programming language, has been designed to be concise and fulfill the shortcomings of Java. Its source code is intended to be compiled to Java bytecode to allow the resultant code to run on a Java VM. Also, as its name suggests (Scala is portmanteau of scalable and language), Scala is designed to grow with the demand.
–Growth of Scala in 2016: 54%
—  Learn Scala

10. Swift:

Back in 2014, Apple decided to create a new programming language for its iOS and OS X application development. As a result, Swift was born. Since then, it has been in tremendous demand and the developers are learning this skill in big numbers. It adopts the best of C and Objective-C, allowing a developer to create an intuitive app.
–Growth of Swift in 2016: 262%
—  Learn Swift
So, which of these popular programming languages suits your need and interested? Any new year resolution to learn a new programming language?
 Don’t forget to share your views and feedback.

What Programming Languages Should You Learn to Become A Hacker | Padsa Information

Every hacking beginner can have plenty of doubts like: “Which programming language should I learn for Hacking ?”,

Programming Languages For Hacking:

1# For Web App / Pentesting / Hacking:

HTML: Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the basics for creating web pages and other information that can be displayed in a web browser. So if you don’t know HTML you should first learn it.
JavaScript: Learning JavaScript. It will help you to understand the basics of Cross Site Scripting.
PHP / SQL: The majority of web applications are written using PHP and MySQL. So it is a must to learn PHP.

2# For Writing/Understanding Exploits, Shell Codes, Rootkits etc:

C & C++: More than 60 % of the exploits you will find on the web are written in C & C ++. Learning C & C++ will help you to understand about Buffer overflows, Stack overflow etc – so learning C and C ++ is a must for every Hacker/Pentester.
Assembly: Learning assembly will help you in Writing/understanding Shell code, it will also help you in Reverse Engineering applications and software’s.

3# For Building Tools And Scripts:

Python: Python is a very powerful high-level language, it’s easy to learn and code, most of the tools and scripts for automation are written in Python. Knowing Python socket programming will help you a lot in Exploit writing.
Ruby: Ruby is an another language which is used to write scripts, tools. Metasploit Framework is written in Ruby. Learning ruby will help you understand the in and outs of MSF.
Bash: Learning Bash is very useful in writing small scripts for automation.
Hope this answers your question.
Comment below if you have any question .

Why The First Windows Drive Letter Is Always C? Why Doesn’t It Start With A Or B? | Padsa Information

The various logical drives in Windows are assigned a drive letter. Generally, the drive letter for the first logical drive is C followed by D, E, F. Well, A and B are also alphabets. These drive letters are kept in reserve for some special purpose. Here is the reason.
In the case of Windows and many other operating systems, a physical hard drive–used to install OS files and store data–is divided into partitions. In Windows, these partitions can be formatted using file systems like NTFS, FAT32, etc. These partitions are then known as logical drives and they are assigned a drive letter.
As far as my tech knowledge is concerned, it started to sprout in the mid-2000s. My first computer came with Windows and, obviously, or as some sort of a tradition, the first drive letter was C. In the beginning, I was told not to put any stuff in the C drive. Later, when a repair guy fixed my desktop, he installed Windows to the D drive. It seemed a bit unusual and it was a dilemma for me, whether I should keep my data on the C drive or not.
Even though I was a little bit uncomfortable with the changed drive letter, I actually never thought why the first drive letter was C, why not an A or a B, or a Z. It was years later, in fact, recently, when I asked the question to Google–Why is C the first Windows drive?
It was not the case that the people who assigned the drive letters didn’t know that A and B also existed as an alphabet. It was done to prefer an old technology with is nowhere to be seen now, the floppy disk.
The drive letters are assigned according to a preference scheme for different kinds of media attached to the computer. These letter date back to the time when IBM ruled the PC market. Then, PCs didn’t have a hard drive, sounds strange? But you might be aware of the fact that the floppy drives were used as primary storage in earlier computers. So, they were given a special preference while assigning the drive letters.
IBM’s VM family member CP/CMS took the help of drive letters to identify minidisks attached to a user session. The file reference (pathname) comprised of the drive letter, file name, and file letter. For example, A:MYFILE.TXT. The drive letter system was later visible in other operating systems including Microsoft’s MS-DOS and later in Windows.
Earlier, computers had two floppy drives for running programs and storing data. The hardware had support for two floppies. Thus, the preference for them was built into the OS itself. The hard drives came at a later stage and were assigned the letter C. Initially, the physical drives were assigned letters. As they got bigger in size, the logical volumes came up which are now assigned the drive letter. Starting from C, it makes room for floppy drives to be added at a later stage.
This thing doesn’t have a practical application anymore. But if you connect a floppy drive, it’ll be assigned the letter A and B for the next one. If you don’t have a floppy drive connected to your machine, you use the reserved letters A and B.
If you have something to add, tell us in the comments below.