Showing posts with label ubuntu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ubuntu. Show all posts

Debian GNU/Linux 8.7 Released (Update: ISOs Now Available)

The Debian Project has released the seventh update of Debian 8 Jessie. This release ships with tons of security updates, bug fixes, and updated packages. The existing users of Debian 8 need to point the apt package tool to one of the updated Debian mirrors and get the update. The new installation media and ISO images are yet to be published.
Update: Debian 8.7’s ISO images are now available for download. It can be grabbed via these mirrors or download the installation images from here.
Back in early 2015, Debian 8.0 Jessie was released after spending two years in development. This release switched back to GNOME as the default desktop environment choice. Now, the Debian Project is here with the latest update to this long-standing Linux distribution.
The seventh update of Debian 8, i.e. Debian GNU/Linux 8.7, has just been released. As expected, this release fixes tons of existing security issues. Notably, many of the included security advisories were already published and referenced.
Long time Linux users must be knowing that security is one of the primary concern of the Debian Project. The project handles all security-related issues brought to their attention and ensures their fixes in a reasonable time limit.
The release notes for Debian 8.7 include many bug fixes and security updates, which you can find here. The release has 80+ bugfixes and 80+ security patches.
One should also note that Debian GNU/Linux 8.7 isn’t a new version of Debian. Instead, it includes security updates and updated packages. So, if you’re already running Debian 8 Jessie, you don’t need to perform a fresh install. Just update via an updated Debian mirror to get all the new packages.
At the moment, new installation media and CD/DVD images are yet to be published. We’ll be updating the article when the ISO images will be available.
Did you find the Debian GNU/Linux 8.7 release exciting? Don’t forget to share your feedback.

Linux Founder Linus Torvalds: “I Don’t Really Love Other People. I Love Computers”

Do you know that the development of Linux was never started with the intention of making it an open source kernel? At the recent TED conference in Vancouver, Linus Torvalds revealed more interesting facts about his life and working style.
Linux kernel is the world’s biggest open source collaborative project. This would automatically trick your brain into thinking that the person behind the kernel would be someone who loves working with fellow programmers.
Well, proving you wrong, Linux founder, Linus Torvalds, admitted that he originally didn’t intend to make Linux open-source and began working on it as a solitary project. This happened at the TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) conference in Vancouver.
“It wasn’t open source,” he said. “It was source that was open. There was no intention.”
“I’m actually not a people person. I don’t really love other people. I love computers,” the legendary software engineer Linus Torvalds said in an interview with Chris Anderson at the TED conference.
He accepted the fact that with time he has learned that having different people on a project is very important.
However, it shouldn’t be much shocking as Linus is known for his outspoken behaviour and occasional rants. In the interview, he was very open and revealed that he loves to work at home in an office.
“It is the most boring office you’ll ever see,” he said. “I often work in my bathrobe, and I have to have complete silence.”
When asked about his future plans or projects, he said he doesn’t have one. He said, “I don’t have an agenda” and he’s still happy working on Linux.
“I am not a visionary. I’m an engineer. I’m happy with the people who are wandering around looking at the stars but I am looking at the ground and I want to fix the pothole before I fall in.”
Another fact we came to know at the talk: Linus Torvalds considers Thomas Alva Edison greater than Nikola Tesla. Sorry, Larry Page and Elon Musk!

10 Reasons : Why should we use Linux? | Padsa Information

Bored using windows or any other server in your computing experience? Linux has been designed to offer you smooth and effective experience. Whether you want to use it for business or any other home operations, Linux offers the most reliable system to adopt. Linux has become one of the most adopted systems by many users in and around the world. Most of the world’s largest data centers across the globe use Linux. There are various reasons that answer why should we use Linux, keep on reading.

Why Should we use Linux?

1. Linux is free of charge and in case you still doubt, then know that it is.
In case you want to get rid of all the restrictions in terms of patents of any other form of restriction, then this would be the best switch for you. Linux can be edited in terms of the source code by most of the innovative business owners. It is, therefore, the best system to be adopted by a large number of business owners who want to simplify their business operations.
2. Linux is more secure than any other server
Linux is a dependable server that offers excellent security to the user. Linux community offers the security fixes for any technical or security threat that encounters. Moreover, Linux users also offer regular kernel updates and regular security patches. In this regard, it is not mandatory for you to have an anti-virus program for your system. With Linux, you can save a lot of dollars you could have spent buying an antivirus program.
3. It has a wide compatibility to several hardware
Most of the other servers do constraint you with a lot of features. Take for instance windows 7 and 8 do require at least 1GB RAM for your system to operate well. However, Linux is such a lightweight operating system and hence does not constrain you in terms of a memory capacity of your system. It can thus be used by any of your systems. It is designed for everyone and can be used by anyone.
4. Easy to Operate
Ideally, one does not have to go for intensive training for them to know how to operate Linux operating system. Besides, it comes with all the necessary functionality that is included in windows OS. If you are looking for a system that is reliable and can be used by anyone in your business, then this could be the best system to adopt.
5. It comes inclusive of drivers
Ever experienced some difficulties when using windows only to be told that some of the drivers are missing in your system? Linux saves you a time you have to spend moving from one shop to another for drivers. It saves you money as well. Most of the drivers are included in Linux operating system. No need to hassle and stress for drivers.
6. Smooth and easy Updating Process
Updating windows can be very challenging and stressful. Linux updates both the OS and the applications that are installed in your system. Besides, when compared to windows that need your system to shut down Linux updates are just a matter of click.
7. Linux is speedy
Since Linux is lightweight, it is therefore far much speedy compared to any other operating system. Windows has a bloated software and therefore huge to operate. In any business operation or gaming experience, time is the most crucial factor. Linux is the best system to adopt as windows get slower days after days.
8. Linux has a community support
One of the best things about Linux is the fact that you have a sense of belonging. You have a platform where you can share everything with fellow users. You get to know more through the frequently asked questions. Moreover, any question that you have can be dropped and get the answers that you need.
9. Linux features a powerful word processing program
Libre Office is a powerful word processing program that comes with Linux. You can use it for free in editing, opening and send Microsoft documents. You, therefore, save more and more dollars you could spend buying such a program.
10. Linux offers you a chance to download a lot of free tools
By just a click of a button, you can get access to thousands of tools and programs. This is a big added advantage over the windows operating system. It is the best way to transform your serving experience.
Don't forget to comment below if you have any question .

Linux Basic Commands

The below commands are important and often used. For more checkout the image at the bottom of the article
  • mkdir – make directories
    Usage: mkdir [OPTION] DIRECTORY…
    eg. mkdir lhn
  • ls – list directory contents
    Usage: ls [OPTION]… [FILE]…
    eg. ls, ls ­l, ls lhn
  • cd – changes directories
    Usage: cd [DIRECTORY]
    eg. cd lhn
  • pwd ­-  print name of current working directory
    Usage: pwd
  • vim – Vi Improved, a programmers text editor
    Usage: vim [OPTION] [file]…
    eg. vim lhn.txt
  • cp – copy files and directories
    Usage: cp [OPTION]… SOURCE DEST
    eg. cp sample.txt sample_copy.txt
    cp sample_copy.txt target_dir
  • mv – move (rename) files
    Usage: mv [OPTION]… SOURCE DEST
    eg. mv source.txt target_dir
    mv old.txt new.txt
  • rm ­ remove files or directories
    Usage: rm [OPTION]… FILE…
    eg. rm file1.txt , rm ­rf some_dir
  • find – search for files in a directory hierarchy
    Usage: find [OPTION] [path] [pattern]
    eg. find file1.txt, find ­name file1.txt
  • history – prints recently used commands
    Usage: history
  • cat – concatenate files and print on the standard output
    Usage: cat [OPTION] [FILE]…
    eg. cat file1.txt file2.txt
    cat ­n file1.txt
  • echo – display a line of text
    Usage: echo [OPTION] [string] …
    eg. echo I love India
    echo $HOME
  • grep ­- print lines matching a pattern
    Usage: grep [OPTION] PATTERN [FILE]…
    eg. grep ­i apple sample.txt
  •  wc ­- print the number of newlines, words, and bytes in files
    Usage: wc [OPTION]… [FILE]…
    eg.  wc file1.txt
    wc ­L file1.txt
  • sort – sort lines of text files
    Usage: sort [OPTION]… [FILE]…
    eg. sort file1.txt
    sort ­r file1.txt
  • tar – to archive a file
    Usage: tar [OPTION] DEST SOURCE
    eg. tar ­cvf /home/archive.tar /home/original
    tar ­xvf /home/archive.tar
  • kill – to kill a process(using signal mechanism)
    Usage: kill [OPTION] pid
    eg. kill ­9 2275
  • ps – report a snapshot of the current processes
    Usage: ps [OPTION]
    eg. ps,  ps ­el
  • who – show who is logged on
    Usage: who [OPTION]
    eg. who , who ­b , who ­q
  • passwd – update  a user’s authentication tokens(s)
    Usage: passwd [OPTION]
    eg. passwd
  •  su –  change user ID or become super­user
    Usage: su [OPTION] [LOGIN]
    eg. su remo, su
  • chown – change file owner and group
    Usage: chown [OPTION]… OWNER[:[GROUP]] FILE…
    eg. chown remo myfile.txt
  • chmod – change file access permissions
    Usage: chmod [OPTION] [MODE] [FILE]
    eg. chmod 744
  • zip – package and compress (archive) files
    Usage: zip [OPTION] DEST SOURSE
    eg. zip original
  • unzip – list, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
    Usage: unzip filename
    eg. unzip original.zi
  • ssh – SSH client (remote login program)
    “ssh is a program for logging into a remote machine and for
    executing commands on a remote machine”
    Usage: ssh [options] [user]@hostname
    eg. ssh ­X guest@
  • scp – secure copy (remote file copy program)
    “scp copies files between hosts on a network”
    Usage: scp [options] [[user]@host1:file1] [[user]@host2:file2]
    eg. scp file1.txt guest@
  • fdisk – partition manipulator
    eg. sudo fdisk ­l
  • mount – mount a file system
    Usage: mount ­t type device dir
    eg. mount /dev/sda5 /media/target
  • umount – unmount file systems
    Usage: umount [OPTIONS] dir | device…
    eg.  umount /media/target
  • du – estimate file space usage
    Usage:  du [OPTION]… [FILE]…
    eg. du
  • df – report filesystem disk space usage
    Usage: df [OPTION]… [FILE]…
    eg. df
  • quota – display disk usage and limits
    Usage: quota [OPTION]
    eg. quota ­v
  • reboot – reboot the system
    Usage: reboot [OPTION]
    eg. reboot
  • poweroff – power off the system
    Usage: poweroff [OPTION]
    eg. poweroff
  • kate – KDE Advanced Text Editor
    Usage:  kate [options][file(s)]
    eg. kate file1.txt file2.txt
  • vim – Vi Improved, a programmers text editor
    Usage: vim [OPTION] [file]…
    eg. vi hello.c
  • gedit ­ A text Editor. Used to create and edit files.
    Usage: gedit [OPTION] [FILE]…
    eg. gedit
  • bg – make a foreground process to run in background
    Usage: type ‘ctrl+z’  and then ‘bg ‘
  • fg – to make background process as foreground process
    Usage: fg [jobid]
  • jobs – displays the names and ids of background jobs
    Usage: jobs
  • sed ­  stream editor for filtering and transforming text
    Usage: sed [OPTION] [input­file]…
    eg. sed ‘s/love/hate/g’ loveletter.txt
  • awk ­ pattern scanning and processing language
    eg.  awk ­F: ‘{ print $1 }’ sample_awk.txt
  • find ­ search for files in a directory hierarchy
    Usage: find [OPTION] [path] [pattern]
    eg. find ­name file1.txt
  • locate – find or locate a file
    Usage: locate [OPTION]… FILE…
    eg. locate file1.txt
Linux File Permissions
  • 3 types of file permissions – read, write, execute
  • 10 bit format from ‘ls ­l’ command
    1             2 3 4      5 6 7     8 9 10
    file type    owner     group    others
    eg. drwxrw­r­­   means owner has all three permissions,
    group has read and write, others have only read
  • read permission – 4, write – 2, execute ­1
    eg. rwxrw­r­­   = 764
    673    =   rw­rwx­wx

How to Clear Your Terminal History on Linux or macOS

Press the “up” arrow in the Mac or Linux command line and you’ll see the last command you ran. Keep pressing “up” and you’ll see more commands; you can go back days, months, or even years.
This is called your history, and it’s very convenient. If you made a mistake typing a long command, simply press “up” and fix the problem. If you want to re-connect to an SSH server you used the other day, simply press “up” until you see the relevant command.
It’s useful, but there’s also a potential security problem here, particularly if you accidentally typed a password in plain text at some point. How does one clear this history? Long story short, you can do so with two commands: history -c, followed by rm ~/.bash_history. Here’s what those commands do, for greater clarity.

Clear the Current Session’s History

Your history can be broke down into two chunks. There’s your current sessions’ history, and there’s your long-term history. Our first command, history -c, deals with the current session.
The history command is built into Bash itself, and the -c modifier tells the program to clear that history. This command will prevent anything in your current session from being written to your long-term history, but does not clear out that long-term history.

Clear All of Your Bash History

If you want to remove the entirety of your history, run the following command:
rm ~/.bash_history
If you don’t know, rm is a longstanding command for deleting files in UNIX-based systems. ~/.bash_history is a simple text document, which stores you Bash history.

Alternatively, you could open the file and delete any lines you’re concerned about. On a Mac, type open ~/.bash_history and your default text editor will open the file.
On Linux systems, replace open with the name of your preferred text editor, such as nanovim, or gedit. One you’ve opened the file, you can delete any lines you’d rather not keep by hand. Save the file, then restart your shell, and the lines you’ve deleted will stop showing up.

Clear Your Terminal for a Like-New Session

This one is mostly unrelated, but I’m mentioning it anyway. The command clear makes your Terminal look like you just opened a new session, which is useful if you take a lot of screenshots and want things to look tidy (or don’t want people over your shoulder to see what commands you’ve been running.)
This is entirely aesthetic: scroll up and you’ll still see your previous output. But if you’re in my line of work, it comes in handy.

What are the some of the best programming tips and tricks | Padsa Information

  • Readability is the path to more interesting projects within a career.
  • Readability is the path to knowing what you wrote 5 years ago, and makes code reuse actually viable
  • Readability is the path to acquiring protégées that can learn from your style.
  • Readability that is understandable by others allows people to appreciate your code at a level of architecture, not just functional.
  • Readability is the path of lease resistance when you have a bug in your code.
  • Readability is the how you put ideas into understandable text and syntax, much like writing a paragraph in natural language.
  • Readability is somehow not a priority for most other developers, however it’s probably pretty important to your development director, if you work for one.
  • Readability is more important than most believe. With moore’s law, it’s even more important to focus on readability than pre-mature optimization.
Here’s more:
  • Most schools and colleges teach computer science like trade school skills. How to fix a car. How to be a dental assistant. How to be an admin.
  • Most schools and colleges don’t realize there’s a difference between Computer Science and Programming. These are different.
  • Most of the people applying for job in California are Programmers, when the job actually requires a Computer Scientist.
  • Most people only know one or three programming languages. I personally believe you need to know between 7–8 of them to really master the idea of programming.
Psychology wise?
  • Most programmers are very insecure about their programming skills and end up in bandwagon debates over which programming language is better.
  • Following that, most don’t realize that each programming language is just a tool that’s better at something while other is better at something else… Like speaking Spanish while in Spain, or knowing Chinese in the middle of China down. Right tools for the job.
  • Most programmers are habituated to just google everything, that’s how they were taught.
  • Most insecure programmers rave about how “compact” their code is. Which serves very little purpose on compiled languages.
  • Most insecure programmers focus on hyper tuning a few lines of code. Good programmers focus on delivering functional and useable software.
  • Most programmers follow the syntax and structure of the style they were taught. Very few question the style they were taught. Examples are {’s on the if-statement line, or on the next line vertically aligned with the }.
  • Most programmers don’t make diagrams before they begin experimenting. Many just copy some existing example and start their modifications from there (which runs the risk of adopting bugs from existing examples).
  • Most programmers don’t unit test. They believe they are better than that, or they are lazy.
  • Most programmers read xkcd.
  • Programmers that are computer scientists are better at computational problems.
What most don’t realize about computer science (as opposed to only programming.)
  • You can merge sort your socks.
  • You can apply scalability methods of algorithms to work labor level processes to improve business efficiency.
  • You can learn other fields and industries because CS is a catalyze for industries like physics, chemistry, rendering, etc…
  • You can apply CS methods to accounting, management, logistics, market trends, human resource management, workflow processing engineering, etc…
  • Computer science has philosophies within it that can change your mode of thinking.
Lots and lots. It’s amazing what you can do if you pay attention to the computer science bit, rather than only how to program software.
Computer science includes:
  • Hardware
  • Software
  • Programming
  • Algorithms
  • Problem solving
  • Efficiency measurement methods
  • Stability methods
  • Integration concepts
  • Computer architecture
And most importantly….
  • Computer Science History
You learn to appreciate these things when you take in CS and listen in beyond only the programming trade skill.
Either you are a viable employee… Or you’re an amazing one that could hold a position of technical leadership.
Take your time to comment on this article.

Arch Linux 2017.01.01 Released, ISO Files And Torrents Available For Download | Padsa Information

Thanks to the hard-working Arch Linux developers, the first Arch Linux ISO images of 2017 are available for download. The latest release, i.e., Arch Linux 2017.01.01, is powered by Linux kernel 4.8.13. While the first time users can grab the ISO images and torrents from Arch’s website, the existing users can update their systems using `pacman -Syu.’
Arch Linux installation isn’t something that involves simply clicking next and skip buttons. It includes multiple steps like partitioning the hard drive, formatting them, enabling swap, mounting partition as root file system, and manually downloading and installing the base OS. The user also needs to run various commands for setting up various things.
There’s no denying the fact that getting an Arch Linux machine up and running needs a little more time and commitment — as compared to other Linux distributions like Fedora or Ubuntu. But, this practical approach teaches you many things and it appeals lots of hardcore Linux enthusiasts.

Arch Linux 2017.01.01 — first ISO spin of 2017

As a great news for Linux enthusiasts, the first ISO snapshot, i.e. Arch Linux 2017.01.01, has been made available for download. This means that the devs have been working hard in the holidays to bake this Linux treat.
Contrary to what many of you would’ve expected, Arch Linux 2017.01.01 is powered by Linux kernel 4.8 series, version 4.8.13 to be precise. The size of the latest ISO image is 867MB.
As this image is intended for the new installations only, the users can burn this on a DVD, mount it as ISO, or write it to a USB drive using some utility.

Arch Linux 2017.01.01 download and update

New users can grab the ISO images and torrents by visiting the Arch Linux download page.
The existing Arch Linux users can update their systems using the following command:
So, are you going to try out the latest release of Arch Linux by updating your system? Don’t forget to share your views and feedback.