Showing posts with label socialmedia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label socialmedia. Show all posts

Here Is How You Can Google Search From Linux Terminal

Linux is gaining popularity day after day and it is not a completely geek stuff anymore(since we see normal people using Linux now). Every one of us uses google alot. We use Google to find answers to most simple ones to complex questions. If you are a Linux user and uses Google a lot, there is a more geeky way to search the web, since Linux users have a way to do things differently.

You can actually perform a Google search from Linux terminal. To do so, we use a utility knows as Googler. Here is how to use it.

How to Install Googler

The very first step you, would start with is by installing Googler. To install Googler, we have two methods.We are now installing it from source code and installation package. Since Googler is written in Python, make sure you have least Python 3.3 installed on your computer.

Installing from the source code:

cd /tmp
git clone
cd googler
sudo make install
cd auto-completion/bash/
sudo cp googler-completion.bash /etc/bash_completion.d/

Installing from the installation package

This si another way to install Googler. Here we will show you how to install Googler from installation package on Ubuntu 16.10. You can download the package from here. Type the below mentioned code in your terminal.
sudo dpkg -i googler_2.7-1_all.deb

Performing Google Search

Once you have installed Googler on your computer, it is time to perform a basic Google search from the terminal. For example, if you want to search information with the keyword named “Brad Delson”, just type the following command  and you will see the result.
googler Brad Delson

You can use “p”  and “n” to navigate to the previous page and next page of the Google Search result.
If you may want to search for the latest news about something, then just type the below mentioned command and hit enter.
googler -N Barcelona

What is VPN (Virtual Private Network)? How it Works?

VPN is a technology used to setup a private network over the internet to share the resources of a corporate intranet with remote users and other office locations of the company.  People can also use VPN to access their home network.
 VPN is a personal network created over the internet The devices connected to a VPN can have a continuous communication, regardless of any physical or digital barriers in the mid-way.
A VPN is like your private lounge on the internet where you can hang out without interference from other people. It allows you access your home network or the corporate network of your company even if you’re in some other corner of the world.

Two Types of VPNs

Mainly, VPNs are of two kinds, namely, Remote Access VPN and Site-to-Site VPN. The second kind site-to-site virtual private networks have further sub-types.

Remote Access VPN

When we talk about Remote Access VPN, we are talking about giving someone access to an existing private network over the internet. The private network can be a network setup by some corporate organization equipped with database and network hardware related to the organization or any of their project.
Because of remote access VPN, there is no need for an employee to connect to his company’s network directly. He can do so with the help of necessary VPN client software and credentials given by the firm.
Remote Access VPNs aren’t the buzzwords for the corporate sector only. Home users can also leverage them. For instance, you can setup a virtual private network at your home and use the credentials to access it from somewhere else. This way, the websites you visit will see the IP address of your home network rather than your actual IP address.
Moreover, most of the VPN services you see in the market are an example of remote access VPN. These services mainly help people eliminate geographical restrictions on the internet. These limitations are probably there because of government-led blocking, or if a website or service is not accessible in a particular region.

Site-to-Site VPN

The word ‘site’ in this case refers to the physical location where a private network exists. It is also known as LAN-to-LAN or Router-to-Router VPN. In this type, two or more private networks in different parts of the world are connected to each other over the network, all serving as one single virtual private network on the internet. Now, there are two sub-kinds of site-to-site virtual private networks.

Intranet Site-to-Site VPN:

We call it intranet site-to-site VPN when different private networks of a single organization are clubbed together over the internet. The can be used to share resources across various office locations of the company. One other possible way would be laying separate cable across different office locations, but that won’t be feasible and might incur high costs.

Extranet Site-to-Site VPN:

There can be a need to connect the corporate networks belonging to different organizations. They might be collaborating on a project involving resources from both the organizations. Such virtual private networks created are known as extranet site-to-site VPNs.

How does a VPN work?

The working of VPN is not a terrible deal to understand, though it is. But, before that, you need to get an idea of the protocols, or set of rules in laymen terms, used by VPN in providing a secure personal network.
SSL (Secured Socket Layer): It uses a 3-way handshake method for assuring proper authentication between the client and server machines. The authentication process is based on cryptography where certificates, behaving as cryptographic keys already stored on the client and server sides, are used for initiating the connection.
IPSec (IP Security): This protocol can work in transport mode or tunneling mode so that it can do its job of securing the VPN connection. The two modes differ in the sense that the transport mode only encrypts the Payload in the data, i.e. only the message present in the data. The tunneling mode encrypts the entire data to be transmitted.
PPTP (Point-To-Point Transfer Protocol): It connects a user located at some remote location with a private server in a VPN network, and also uses the tunneling mode for its operations. Low maintenance and simple working make PPTP a widely adopted VPN protocol. Further credit goes to the inbuilt support provided by Microsoft Windows.
L2TP (Layer Two Tunnelling Protocol): It facilitates the tunneling of data between two geographical sites over the VPN network, often used in combination with the IPSec protocol which further aids to the security layer of the communication.
So, you have a rough idea about the various protocols used in a VPN. We shall proceed further and see how it works. When you connect to a public network, for example, free WiFi networks at airports, you can assume that all your data is flowing through a big tunnel along with the data of other users.
So, anyone who wants to spy on you can easily sniff your data packets from the network. When VPN comes into the scene, it provides you a secret tunnel inside that big tunnel. And all your data is transformed into garbage values so that no one can recognize it.

Setting up a VPN Connection involves Three Phases:

Authentication: In this step, data packets are first encapsulated, basically wrapped inside another packet along with some headers and other stuff are attached. All of this conceals the identity of the data packets. Now, your device initiates the connection by sending a Hello request to the VPN server, which replies with an acknowledgment and asks for the user credentials to clarify the authenticity of the user.
Tunneling: After the authentication phase is finished, what we can say, an imaginary tunnel is created which provides a direct point to point connection through the internet. We can send whatever data we want to via that tunnel.
Encryption: After we’ve successfully created the tunnel, it can transfer whatever information we want to, but that information is still not safe if we use a free VPN service. That’s because other people also use it. So, we encrypt the data packets before sending them over the tunnel, thus, barring any other user to peep into our packets, as he will only see some unrecognizable rubbish data flowing through the tunnel.
Now, if you want to access a website, your device will send the access request to the VPN server which will then forward the request to the website in its name and receive the data from it. Then this data will be sent to your device. And the website will think, the VPN server is the user and it will find no trace of your or your device as the actual user. Unless you transmit some personal information over the connection. For example, your identity can be known if you access a social networking website like Facebook or Twitter,
A VPN connection is used to provide direct access to a corporate network to a user who is not in the geographical coverage of the network. Logically, the remote user is connected just like a regular user who is using the network within the corporate premises.
VPN is also used to provide a homogenous network environment to a corporate firm having its office locations in different parts of the world. Thus, creating an uninterrupted sharing of resources bypassing the geographical hurdles.
Other uses include accessing those services on the internet which are not available in a particular country or region, accessing censored content or if a user only wants to remain anonymous on the web.

Pros and Cons:

The biggest advantage of using a VPN is the cost effectiveness it facilitates in providing a single private network in comparison to using separate leased lines which can burn the pockets of corporate firms. All credited goes to the internet, for acting as the medium for uninterrupted VPN connections.
Apart from all the right things VPN does for us, it has its weak sides too. Not having a streamlined procedure for ensuring Quality of Service (QoS) over the internet, is the biggest incapacity VPN technology has in its possession. Furthermore, the level of security and authenticity outside the private network is beyond the purview of VPN technology. The incompatibility between different vendors only adds to its bunch of drawbacks.

Popular VPN services:

HideMyAss, PureVPN, VyprVPN, all these are well known for their QoS and security they provide in their VPN connections.
Cyber Ghost, Surf Easy, Tunnel Bear are some free VPN services you can use if you don’t want to shell out your pocket. But you’ll have to satisfy yourself with fewer features, download limits, or advertisements. Also, these free services can’t beat the paid services, note that.

VPN on Android:

You can also setup a VPN connection on your smartphones running Android OS. It allows you to access your company’s private network right on your Android device. VPN also facilitates a network administrator to control your device, add or delete data and track your usage.

Winding Up:

VPN has so far equipped us with an extraordinary level of security and anonymity we can accomplish while sharing our confidential data over the internet. Corporate giants have always admired the ease and uniformity they can engineer in their network while using VPN. Though it has its limitations, but VPN has outperformed our expectations.  We should praise VPN for the cost effectiveness it provides in its operations.

Facebook Will Soon Pay You For Your Video As Youtube Does

Facebook is all set to ditch the cloak of a social media company and turn itself fully into a media company. Its investments in videos will be further pushed in near future. During Facebook’s Q4 earning announcement, Zuckerberg told that Facebook is planning to start sharing its ad revenue with content creators. This strategy will attract more content creators to Facebook.

Facebook has defied the predictions made by economists and revealed that its growth isn’t going to stop anytime soon. On Wednesday, the company said that its revenue grew 51% in 2016’s fourth quarter. Zuckerberg’s company was also able to convert 52 cent of every dollar into operating profit. But, before Facebook’s growth stumbles, what’s next?

Last year, Facebook made big bets on video by pushing live videos like crazy. This year things won’t slow down. Instead, the company is expected to invest more money to create its new moneymaking machine. Zuckerberg himself considers video a mega trend.
“That’s why we’re going to keep putting video first across our family of apps and making it easier for people to capture and share video in new ways,” he said.
Recently, The Wall Street Journal reported that Facebook is developing a video app for Apple TV and other boxes. This rumor hasn’t been confirmed yet. But, it’s evident that Facebook isn’t hesitant to further push videos.
The company will soon pay video makers up front and ad revenue sharing. After this, the company is expected to put videos more aggressively in people’s News Feed. Facebook’s model will be more like YouTube, which will enable it to gather more video creators.
The company plans to share its video revenue with the content creators and lure them to keep contributing videos. Along the similar lines, Facebook has also added a new video tab in its phone app.
It looks like Facebook is all set to make another big jump and ditch the label of a traditional social networking company. With its increased participation in fulfilling people’s news-related needs, it has already turned itself into a media company, a stature that will be further strengthened with the help of its big bets in the video.

10 Facts About Wikipedia That You Didn’t Know

What is the step you take when you come across a random USB stick? Very often, people stick it in their laptop without much thought. This could result in heavy losses in the form of virus infections, ransomware attack, or installation of some keylogger or adware. 

The popular TV show Mr. Robot (2nd favorite TV show at Fossbytes after Westworld) has changed the way computers and hackers are portrayed in popular culture. In one episode, a character named Romero says, “I’ve been in this game 27 years. Not once have I come across an animated singing virus.”
In another episode, one of the F-Society hacker drops few USB drives in a prison parking lot. One of the prison employees picks one USB and ends up infecting the computer network. In such a situation, what would you do? Will you pick up the USB drive and use it?
Earlier this year in September, we told you a study that confirmed the human behavior of plugging the random USB drives in the laptops as soon as possible. In another study from early-2016, it was found that at least 48% of people will pick up a random USB stick and plug it into their PCs.
One should remain careful if he/she comes across an unclaimed USB drive. The sensible step would be to ignore the USB drive. Just leave them be. Just in case you decide to pick it up, for whatever reasons, never plug them in. It’s a risk that’s not worth taking.
Some of you might be wondering — What could happen if I pick a stray USB and plug it in?
Well, it’s a known fact that hackers use it as a way to spread malware. It’s possible that the USB could be infected with malware. Apart from the well-known trojans and worms, your PC might also fall prey to ransomware, keyloggers, adware and other threats.
We’ve also repeatedly told you about advance attack mechanisms like the one employed in USB Killer.
Have something to add? Don’t forget to drop your views in the comments section below.

Researchers Unveil A Wireless Tech That’s ’10 Times’ Faster Than 5G

A new transmitter tech demonstrated by a team of Japanese researchers enables a communication link of more than 100 Gbps over a single 25GHz channel using the 300Ghz frequency band, dubbed as ‘Terahertz’. They are uncovering more about their Terahertz wireless tech at the IEEE’s International Solid-State Circuits Conference 2017.

5G or the fifth generation mobile networks, is expected to roll out sometime around 2020. But a new wireless tech demonstrated by a group of researchers is around 10 times faster than 5G. It’s capable of boosting speeds up to 100 Gbps over a single channel using a 300Ghz band – known as the Terahertz.

The team includes researchers from Hiroshima University, the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, and Panasonic Corporation. During the demonstration, their IC-based transmitter used a 25 GHz channel, ranging from 275Ghz to 450Ghz. They were able to establish a communication link of 105 Gigabit per second.
The 60 GHz band used by the WiGig standard is enough to fascinate us. But this is going insane at 300Ghz. And the 25 GHz channel, if you compare this with the 20 Mhz channels used in the current 4G LTE, it would be 1000 times.
A question arises out of curiosity. The band is 300Ghz, so why it’s being touted as terahertz? That’s because it is named so by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). The terahertz spectrum includes baseband frequencies from 0.3THz (300GHz) to 3THz. Even the 5G technology’s frequency bands max out at 39Ghz.
The team also presented a version of their tech last year, where they demonstrated the use of quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) that could enhance the speed over the 300GHz band. As per the latest demo, they have recorded a speed gain of around six times per channel.
However, there is a lot to be done before this tech can arrive in the market. We can foresee a possibility of ultrahigh-speed wireless networks in the future. The ones similar to the gigabit fiber networks but without the fiber.

Here is What Now Google Chrome gets its own barcode & QR code scanner

Picture by Padsainformation

Now you can free-up more space on your iPhone, wondering why? because you don’t need that  barcode and QR code scanner your mobile anymore. With the new update, the Google’s Chrome mobile browser can do the same job instead. Google Chrome now includes aa built-in scanning function, which you can use either by doing a search for “QR” in the spotlight or by using 3D Touch on the app’s icon.
Even though the shortcuts only refer to the QR code scanning, Chrome can also scan a traditional barcode product for you. The barcode scan will take you to a Google Search results page of the item in question, a place where you can check read reviews, prices, and more.
Despite the rumours to the contrary, QR codes have not entirely died out. If anything, they have started to make a comeback due to the adaptation of the apps like Kik, Messenger, and Snapchat, as well as in the food labelling. Even Amazon is now putting QR codes on some of its own packagings now, as with its Elements brand of baby products.
Still, it is not the kind of thing you will do often enough to just justify keeping a barcode scanning app on hand all the time.
Because of the limited adoptation of the QR codes, smartphone makers are hesitant to fully integrate the QR code scanning function into their operating systems, even though it would be a simple add-on from the Camera. The iPhone’s QR code reader has tucked away inside the Wallet app, for example, where it’s used to scan coupons, boarding passes, tickets and the like. This presumes these are main ways that QR codes are used, but, in reality, that’s a limited subset of what QR codes can do.
With scanning bundled into Chrome, you have a more functional barcode scanner without needing a separate app. The update is out now on iPhone.

How To Secure Your Facebook/Gmail Accounts From Hackers | Padsa Information

How To Secure Your All Social Media Accounts From Hackers? Social Media is a tool in every single person’s hand to share his/her feeling and idea to the world. But if your social media account will hacked? Then where to go? How to recover that account? And mostly asked Question is How To secure social media accounts Like Facebook, Gmail, Twitter and Instagram from hackers .So in this post i’ll tell you how to secure social media accounts from hackers.So in this article i’ll show you which methods hackers use to hack your accounts.

How Hackers Hack Your Facebook/Gmail/Twitter Accounts.

#1. Phishing.

Phishing is a Most common method used for hacking like facebook hacking. mostly readers don’t have a single knowledge about that What Is Phishing? phishing is trick to make a fake login page of any social media site like facebook or gmail or any other. as the hacker send you the fake login page of social sites in your gmail or in anyother site. as you enter your “Email Address” & “Password” and as you click on Login button your login mail and password goes to the hackers mail and your account is Hacked.
#2. Keylogging.
Keylogger is the easiest way to hack a Facebook Profile password. basically Keylogger is a small program Built by hackers to hack someone facebook accounts.Mostly Hackers Make Keylogger and install that keylogger on victims a question arrises how a keylogger works? As victim use his/her facebook account or else any thing on that keylogged computer ,keylogger get all the saved Passwords,Emails And important information of your computer. And that passwords is send directly to hackers email address.
#3. Session Hijacking.
Session Hijacking can be often very dangerous if you are accessing Facebook on a http:// connection, In a Session Hijacking attack a hacker steals the victims browser cookie which is used to authenticate a user on a website and uses to it to access victims account, Session hijacking is widely used on Lan’s. I have already written a three part series on How session hijacking works? and also a separate post on Facebook session hijacking.Be safe from these attacks.
#4. Botnets.
Botnets are not commonly used for hacking facebook accounts, because of it’s high setup costs, They are used to carry more advanced attacks, A botnet is basically a collection of compromised computer, The infection process is same as the keylogging, however a botnet gives you, additional options in for carrying out attacks with the compromised computer. Some of the most popular botnets include Spyeye and Zeus.
#5. Faceniff.
Facebook Hacking By Faceniff App In Android Or On PC In bluestack.Faceniff is a app which Disables the victims facebook access page from Secure Socket To Unsecure Socket. But The Problem Is that this Facebook Hacking Technique is works on Same Wi-Fi Network. but if you know this technique in Better Way Then I Promised You That you are going in good direction in become of Facebook Pro. Hacker.

Secure Social Media Accounts from Hackers

#1. Update Passwords Regularly.
Updation of social media passwords helps you to secure your social media accounts from being hacked.change your social networking sites accounts regularly i preferred you to change your social media’s accounts passwords in 1 month. and choose your password smartly, make sure you use all alphabets,numbers and special characters in your passwords, by using all these your password is much stronger and not easy to break by hackers.
#2. Link your account with Verified Mobile No.
linking your social media accounts with mobile no. helps you alot, if you really wana to protect your account then dont forget to link your account with mobile no. It helps you when someone tried to login in your social media accounts without permission, as someone tried to do jailbreaking your social media service sent you message about your login access.
#3. Add Trusted Contacts.
Add trusted contacts helps you to recover your hacked account, as some hack your facebook or gmail accounts then by help of your trusted contacts you are able to recover back, i recommended you to apply trusted contacts on facebook, because as you know everyone finds working facebook hacking tricks like a hunger dog. so be safe.
#4. Use HTTPs Connection.
HTTPs Connection helps you to build a secure connection over internet, make sure check your URL before you use HTTPs, by using this feature a rare chance, that a hacker hack your social media account.

#5. Never Save Passwords.
Yes, this is quite interesting in social media hacking. generally, many of you going to use your social media accounts in cyber cafes or your friends laptop. but you forgot when you enter your email & password while login on your accounts then mostly every browser give a warning or ask you to Do You Want To Save Password or Not. by default browser have a option of Not Saved,but unluckily if you ignore that warning and you save your password in cyber cafe or friends laptop then defiantly, if i was in the position of your friend then i am able to hack that social media account, the question arises why i am doing this? because you people are i again told you Never ever saved your social media or other accounts password in any annoying PC/laptop.
Comment Below If You Have Any Question .