How To Find Out Who Has Ignored Your Facebook Friend Request

Short Bytes: It’s very easy to find out who has ignored your friend request on the largest social networking site Facebook. You can view the entire list of the sent friend request and you can also take back or cancel a sent request.
Facebook is one of the most popular websites being used all over the world by about 1.5 billion people. It has grown to become the biggest medium to connect with people and share our lives.
Sometimes, we send a friend request to a person on Facebook and forget if the friend request was accepted or it was ignored. Previously, that was not possible to know on the Facebook if you were accepted or not. But now it’s possible to know who ignored you.
Here are some simple steps that you need to know.
Step 1: Go to the Friend Requests section on the home screen and click on it.
Step 2: Scroll down and go to the bottom of the Friend Requests page. Click on the See all.
Step 3: A new page will open. On the left-hand side of the page, you will see View Sent Requests link. Just click on that link and you will all your Sent friend requests.
On this page, you can also cancel the sent friend requests.
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Here Are 12 Computer Tricks That Every CS Student and IT Person Must Know

Hello padsa inforamation readers , expecting pasda information for best tricks and tips then this the best time to know the best tricks of PC. Use PC as a pro after knowing these 12 tricks…..enjoy Tricks….
With the increase in technology, use of a computer which was a luxury once upon a time became a necessity. In the present situation of Tech world, there is no wonder if anyone says that computer is an essential part of a human. Though you may be using the computer for many days, most probably there would be many things which were unknown to you. Here are some tips and tricks that every user must know.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

#1. Change windows password without knowing the existing password

You can change the password without knowing the existing password. But this trick works only when your PC was logged in.
step1: Right click on computer and selectmanage
step2: Go to Local users and Groups option and then click on users. You can see the list of users.
                                                     step3: Right click on the user whose password you want to change and then select set password                                                                                                                                                                                  
                                                                                                                                                                                                              step4: click on proceed on the pop-up window                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
                                                                                                                                                                                                                step5: Enter the new password and click onOk.                                                #2. Block Websites
You can block some websites from opening on your computer using this trick.
step1:  Type this%windir%\system32\drivers\etc in run (WIN + R) 
                                                                            or navigate to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
             step2:  open notepad from start menu by typing notepad and running it as anadministrator and then Open the hosts file by navigating toC:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc.
             step3: Now if you want to block a site. say facebook or google for an example. Then type these lines.
            From the next time, the above sites will not open in your browser. To unblock, remove the above lines from the notepad (Note: This trick will work if your browser is not open.If your browser is open then close the browser and restart it.)

#3. Website redirecting

For example, if someone wants to open facebook but you want them to be redirected to google. Then use this simple trick.
step1: Firstly know the IP address of the google by typing tracert in cmd.
step2: Type the google address along with in the hosts opened from notepad. (from the above trick)
             You will be redirected to if you try to open To remove redirecting remove the above lines from notepad.                                                                                                               

#4. Boost Your Broadband Speed

Though the broadband speed depends on various external factors, you can improve the internal factors by this simple trick.
step1: open cmd in administrator mode and type netsh int tcp show global and then pressenter

 step2: Now change the TCP parameters. Open notepad and type these commands
netsh int tcp show global
netsh int tcp set global chimney=enabled
netsh int tcp set heuristics disabled
netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal
netsh int tcp set global congestionprovider=ctcp
step3: save the file as Speedbooster.bat
              step4: Run speedbooster.bat in administrator mode. You can notice 30-35% increase in the speed                                      
               To reset TCP global parameters to default values Type these in notepad


netsh int tcp show global
netsh int tcp set global chimney=default
netsh int tcp set heuristics enabled
netsh int tcp set global congestionprovider=none
and save it as say Reset.bat to reset the TCP global parameters to their respective default values.
Run it as an administrator.

#5. Faster Internet by combining two different networks

If you have two network providers, for example, an ethernet and an USB dongle, then you can avail additional benefit by using network bridge.
step1: Press WIN + R keys and type “ncpa.cpl”.
step2: Select the two network drivers from the window.
step3: Right click and select BRIDGE CONNECTIONS.
step4: You will have an additive speed of these connections.

#6. Go to Task manager

Go to Task manager directly by pressing ctrl+shift+Esc instead of ctrl+alt+del

#7. Encrypting files and folders

step1: Right click on the file/folder and click on the properties at the bottom.
step2: click on advanced.
step3: tick on Encrypt contents to secure data option
step4: click ok and apply
 You can access it and modify it anytime. But other users cannot access it. You can copy this files to a USB drive but you cannot view in other PC. You can view only when you know the encryption password of your PC.

#8. Create Undeletable and Unrenamable Folders

Create a folder with keywords like con, aux, lpt1, lpt2, lpt3, lpt4, lpt5, lpt6, lpt7, lpt8 and lpt9 as the name. But you cannot rename or create directly with the keyword as the name. So, follow this simple trick.
step1: Go to run and type cmd
step2: In the Command Prompt , type the name of the drive you wish to create your folder in the format <drive-name>: and press Enter. e.g. If you wish to create the undeletable folder in D drive, type “D:” without the quotes. Folder cannot be created in the root of C: drive (if C: is your system drive).
step3: Type this command- “md con\” or “md lpt1\” without the quotes and press Enter. Any of the keywords can be used.
Deleting the Folder: Folder cannot be deleted manually, you can delete the folder by typing “rd con\” or “rd lpt1\” in Step 3 instead of “md con\” or “md lpt1\”.

#9. Disable the recent Document history

step1: Go to run and type regedit and then press enter to open registry editor
step2:  Go to “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer”
step3: Create a NoRecentDocsHistory D_WORD key [Right Click® New ®DWORD (32- Bit) Value] .
 step4: Set the Data Value to 1 to enable the restriction with hexadecimal and then click ok. Restart the computer.
To enable recent document history, go to “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer”. and delete “NoRecentDocsHistory” file that you have created and restart your computer.

#10. Add Mouse Friendly Checkboxes to icons.

No need of holding control button to select multiple files simply use checkboxes by selecting icon check boxes from view.

#11.  Know the details of your Internet Connection

Go to command prompt from the run and type  ipconfig/ all for all the details like IP address, DNS server address etc. about your Internet connection.

Also Know, if your neighbors are using your WiFi connection

step1: Open your browser and visit or
step2: Go to the “Attached Devices” tab
step3: Find the computer name, IP address and MAC Address of your computer using the previous trick.
step4: Compare it with those displayed by your router.

#12. Access blocked websites by using IP address

If any of the site you want to open was blocked in the browser, then go to the required site by searching the site with an IP address.
For IP address of a site, ping the website domain name in the Command Prompt in Windows.
To know this type of tricks n hacks keep visiting VINTECH….
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